being at home, you suddenly realise how many people visit or even telephone your house. i have fielded a few calls from talktalk - for some reason they want us to change to a new package, which costs more and offers less than the one we are currently on (?) - and other sales people during the last ten days or so. fortunately they all seem to want matthew so i'm suitably vague as to when he might be around.
yesterday though we had an unprecedented number of people wanting to deliver things. i had to go to the doctors first thing and i returned before the postman had been. a few minutes later there was a noise at the front door. i went to investigate - it was a leaflet from the libdems wanting our vote. then a while later another noise - this time it was the postman, one letter, two leaflets. a while later whilst on the phone i was aware that something else was being pushed through the letter box - the kleeneze catalogue. then a while later some leaflets from lidl with their offers of the week. by now i was ready to go shopping (not at lidl).
when i came back there was a gardener mowing next doors lawn, once i had parked he came over to me with a parcel that had been delivered in my absence.
it would appear that our house is being targeted by leafleters - there must be some money in delivering them, but the reality is that apart from the letter and the parcel, everything else went in the recycling. it appears that the recycling gets more post than matthew and i!
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