having written my intentions to numb the ulcers on my tongue and then try to consume either the sweet chilli flavoured crisps (impulse buy) or some chocolate (thanks to some of my visitors), i begun the experiment.
as the chocolate was already open i decided to start with that (why waste a whole packet of crisps?), having given the gel time to work, i then consumed one piece of swiss chocolate. a slight tingly sensation, not too bad. i then tried a second, that hurt!
i'm not sure if it was the saliva washing away the bonjela after my first mouthful or if i hadn't applied enough (apparantly you need 1cm of gel - but i'm not sure if it is for each ulcer or the entire tongue) but i have to report that in my case the bonjela let me down.
the ulcers have nearly gone and are probably doing me a favour at the moment as i can only eat small amounts of chocolate. this is good as i have a small pile of chocolate to get through from both the kindness of my hospital visitors and the easter bunny! i have however eaten the crisps, one side of my mouth is worse than the other, so as long as i crunch on my left, it's not too painful!
on another note, according to this months good housekeeping magazine, you can use bonjela to numb your eyebrows before plucking them - bet you never thought of that...
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