Tuesday 30 March 2010

privacy and modesty - the curtain

one way of maintaining a degree of p+m (see previous) in hospital is 'the curtain'. these surround every bed and with a flick of the wrist the curtain is swished around and tada it's your own private room!
but it isn't.
although all consultations, dressing changes or treatments can be carried on behind the curtain, the reality is that although not seen it can be heard. one eg from hdu was the removal of a male patients dressing from his backside, we heard it all even the nurse saying that he had had a waxing, all this whilst i was trying to eat a sandwich.

the allusion of privacy, when really there isn't any reminds me of camping with teenagers, who just don't get how thin canvass is but seem to think of a tent as a soundproof room. but here is a tip if you find yourself on night duty and have to get them to be quiet. pleading that you would like to go to sleep just won't work. neither will telling them they are keeping the site/ nearby village/ the whole of dartmouth awake.
instead stand outside the tent, listen to the conversation and at an appropriate point join in by offering your opinion/ thought on the discussion in hand. there will be immediate quiet, followed by a 'how much to you think she heard?'. a short conversation may ensue, but they will then go to sleep, well perhaps not - but they will be quiet, especially if they realise you've been listening for a while.
unfortunately it will only work a couple of times before they start to try to deliberately draw you into the conversation. then you will have to resort to telling them that they can be heard in dartmouth!


Claire Newby said...
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SurreySlapper said...

The best bit's when they start talking about their lurve conquests and who's snogged/split up with/slept with whom and THEN you join in with the conversation!


Impatient inpatient said...

oh yes, you have to listen long enough to find out who the fanciable males/ females are. and who fanciess them, then you have power!!!