just to update you on our
garden produce. we've had a few, very tasty, strawberries, but with only four plants there were never going to be loads, however the plants are reflowering so we may get a second crop. the potatoes were a let down. having had loads of healthy looking leaves, they suddenly wilted, so we decided to harvest and got a lot of very small, but again tasty, potatoes. i think ants were the problem here, the bin was full of them when matthew harvested.
my carrot got attacked and was never more than a very skinny root. the beans are now flowering, but seem to need copious amounts of water, similarly with the tomatoes.
to date the success has been the chilli plant and we have harvested four now, with more setting, in fact in a few minutes i hope to eat a lovely chilli con carne made with homegrown chilli!
so in summary, not a brilliantly productive garden so far, but still some hope for the future!
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