Thursday, 3 March 2011

morning all

i can report that things were a lot quieter in sideroom 8 last night and as a result i slept a lot better. i was awake every few hours, but soon dropped off again. i am supposed to have the antibiotics every 12 hours. with having had the first dose at 1am the nurses said that they would set me off on the next dose about 11am. needless to say it was 2pm when i had the next dose, so i was expecting a late night drip again. but after the 2pm drip i had reacted slightly with a slightly swollen arm, so at about 10.30 i was given the good news that i would now be taking tablets instead of having the drip. this meant i had a much earlier night. though i was really getting into my book (the help a christmas pressie from my MIL).
have already seen the consultant, a different one from yesterday, elbow is again much improved so we agreed that i should stay one more day and get this cracked and all going well i shall be going home tomorrow!!
it is now 10.30, i am up, showered and hair washed. i have spoken with matthew, finished the book and chosen my food for tomorrow, now hopefully destined for the next occupant of sideroom 8. action packed morning so far!!! i will now go for a little walk to the shop and get a paper.

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